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Pattern Celeste color Blue Floral Medallion
decorator's woven shabby couture burlap, durable cotton/poly, heavy awesome
texture upholstery weight, from our Erie Islands Fabrics Design Basics Collections

54"W, click on sample image below for repeat size

$34.95 per yard, limited quantity

Keywords: decorator, woven, couture, burlap, fabric, Celeste, Blue, Floral, Medallion,
Floral Medallion design woven burlap pattern Celeste
color Blue
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images to
Pattern Celeste color Blue Floral Medallion decorator's woven shabby couture burlap
Draped curtain image of decorator's woven shabby couture burlap Celeste Blue
Closeup folded image of Pattern Celeste color Blue Floral Medallion
decorator's woven shabby couture burlap
Sample of Floral Medallion design woven burlap pattern Celeste color Blue
Swatch of decorator's woven shabby couture burlap Celeste Blue